
It all started when…

I saw Jeni at my kids' elementary school one morning.  Actually,  I heard her.  It was one of those moments that a person never forgets.  I had just kissed Amanda and Matthew good bye as they walked through the school gates, and I heard this loud woman yelling " Hello!!!"  at another mom.  I was immediately stunned by her beauty.  How had I never noticed this woman here before?  I watched her interact with a lot of parents as she made her way to the gates, kiss her daughter, and then head back to her car.  I literally stood there in awe of the energy she put out.  She got into a black Camry, and pulled out.  The next day, I got my kids to school early, and waited for the black Camry.  Sure enough, she pulled in.  I waited for her to get out, they rushed my kids out of my truck, and hurried then so we could catch up with her and her daughter.  She was wearing a polka dot dress.  As we walked along side, I would stare at her until she noticed.  She wasn't wearing a ring, so my interest rose.  We both said good bye to our kids, and walked back to our cars, never saying a word to each other.  The next day at work, I couldn't stop talking about the hot mom at my kids' school.  I didn't know her name, but at my fire station, she would come to be known as the Polka Dot Hottie.  Every day I was off, I would race to school, and try to see her, and try to walk next to her, but I never could get the courage to talk to her.  Sometimes, we'd smile that familiar smile people do when they recognize someone, but never initiate any conversation between us.  I was way too intimidated by her looks and energy to ask her name.  Usually, another parent would steal her attention and keep it during the walk to and from the gates.  A couple weeks later, while I was shopping at Publix, we literally bumped into each other at coming around a shopping isle.  Before I could catch myself, I blurted out " Hey Polka Dots!".  She gave me a weird look, and said " excuse me?".   I said, " I'm sorry, I don't know your name, but I remember seeing you wearing polka dots one dat at Riverglades.  I told my wife she should wear more polka dots."  Her look got weirder, and before she could run away, I said " I see you all the time, but I don't know your name.  I'm David."'  " I'm Jeni" she replied.  We small talked for a minute, then went our separate ways.  I couldn't believe I said " my wife".  I was separated and going through a divorce at the time, and thought I really messed up any future I had at talking to Jeni.  After that, I searched every social media platform for a Jeni.  Only I never spelled it right.  I tried Jennifer, Jen, Jenny, etc.  Everything but JENI.  Morning drop offs at school immediately got better, because I could say " Hi Jeni!", and get a " Hi David! " back.  I would occasionally sneak pics with my cell phone, so I could show my crew a glimpse of the woman who was making me act like a fifteen year old boy.  She consumed my thoughts, and I would look forward to mornings at school more than anything else.  After a couple months, with some episodes of chit chat during our short walks at school, we inquired with each other what we were doing on the weekend.  She ended up inviting my kids and me to an Earth Day celebration at the Broward county landfill.  We showed up and met Jeni and her beautiful daughter Jaden in the parking lot and headed into the festival.  As the kids played, we spent some time talking, getting to know each other a little better.  The whole time I was looking at this woman, I kept thinking she is the most beautiful woman I have ever talked to.  And even better, she was so cool.  She was funny. She was quick with a joke.  I was just blown away.  When it was finally time to leave, we exchanged numbers, and went our separate ways.  She text me later, and I asked her for her last name so I could put it in my phone.  " Meunier" she said, spelling it out, but  " pronounced " MOON-YAY!".  Right away I hit Facebook and found her immediately.  I asked her if I could friend her, and she accepted.  After that, I had all the pictures I could want.  The next day at work, I was so excited to show all the guys, and couldn't wait to see their reaction.  There was a collective silence as her facebook profile pic came up on the station computer screen.  I asked " What's wrong?"  Ammo, of the the guys on my crew bluntly stated " No way bro, waaaaaaaay out of your league."  Normally I would heed his advice, but not this time.  Jeni and I started texting small talk about Riverglades and stuff, and eventually it would be jokes, and anecdotes about our kids and stuff.  Through texting, a friendship developed.  And soon, I asked her if she wanted to get drinks one night.   She agreed and we went out.  By the end of the night, she was on my shoulders as we laughed and partied til the late hour.  Our friendship grew, until we decided maybe we should date.  On June 6, 2012, in the school parking lot where we first met, Jeni handed me a note.  " Will you go out with me?", with two check boxes, one " yes", one " no".  I wrote HELL next the the " yes" box, and checked it, took a pic and sent it to her.  That was our beginning.  It was a little unorhodox, and yeah, some would say I stalked her.  I like to call it an " agressive pursuit".  Either way, it was the best thing I've ever done, and we have been happy ever since.  We are true best friends, in love with each other.